Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008
Selasa, 25 Maret 2008
The current number of gibbons at JGC are 27 individuals (14 female and 13 male) and will be more on next year. The Javan Gibbon Center gives you the opportunity to contribute to the preservation and the protection of the Javan Gibbon that you to adopt a gibbon and help it throughout the rehabilitation process.
Gibbons DATA at Javan Gibbon Center
What happens when you adopt an orphaned gibbon?
The JAVAN GIBBON RESCUE AND REHABILITATION program needs $ 50,000 per year for operating of the center, and needs $ 1,150 per year to be able to finance the veterinarian care, the food for one gibbon and others.
Everyone or company can adopt one or several gibbons at Javan Gibbon Center. They are who adopts a gibbon becomes a part of the "MOLI FAMILY". You can send e-mail messages to our project management at any time to ask questions, send comments and suggestions, etc. You can adopt a gibbon for 6 month, 1 year or more. If you have paid for the full year for your gibbon you will receive:
All information is sent by email to reduce paper use and postage costs so that all your adoption money goes straight to the gibbons.
How to adopt a Gibbon ?
How to send the funds?
You can pay through wire transfer to:
Account name: Yayasan Penyelamatan dan Rehabilitasi Owa Jawa
Account number: 0104961274
Bank name: BNI
Branch: 273 UI Depok
Address: Gedung Balai Sidang, Kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424
A receipt of our association will be inform to you by mail.
Beside help for veterinarian care and the food for gibbons, the guardian or sponsors can help to support for operational, education and awareness program, research program and also gibbons facilities such as cages, enclosures, etc.
For further information, please contact:
Javan Gibbon Center
Komplek Taman Rekreasi Lido
Jalan Raya Bogor-Sukabumi KM 21
Cigombong Lido Bogor 16740
Phone/fax: (0251) 224963
e-mail: jgc_owajawa@yahoo.com
Thank you for your support.
The JAVAN GIBBON RESCUE AND REHABILITATION program needs $ 50,000 per year for operating of the center, and needs $ 1,150 per year to be able to finance the veterinarian care, the food for one gibbon and others.
Everyone or company can adopt one or several gibbons at Javan Gibbon Center. They are who adopts a gibbon becomes a part of the "MOLI FAMILY". You can send e-mail messages to our project management at any time to ask questions, send comments and suggestions, etc. You can adopt a gibbon for 6 month, 1 year or more. If you have paid for the full year for your gibbon you will receive:
- A sign gibbon guardian certificate
- A large glossy photograph of your gibbon
- A t-shirt of Gibbon
- A monthly update about your gibbon and a picture as well as special messages to inform you about the adopted gibbon
- Receive the “TROPIKA magazine" for every three month published and listed your name.
All information is sent by email to reduce paper use and postage costs so that all your adoption money goes straight to the gibbons.
How to adopt a Gibbon ?
- Visit our page: " Gibbons to adopt" on our website and select the animal you wish to help.
- Fill in the adoption sign-up form and send it.
- For more information : jgc_owajawa@yahoo.com
How to send the funds?
You can pay through wire transfer to:
Account name: Yayasan Penyelamatan dan Rehabilitasi Owa Jawa
Account number: 0104961274
Bank name: BNI
Branch: 273 UI Depok
Address: Gedung Balai Sidang, Kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424
A receipt of our association will be inform to you by mail.
Beside help for veterinarian care and the food for gibbons, the guardian or sponsors can help to support for operational, education and awareness program, research program and also gibbons facilities such as cages, enclosures, etc.
For further information, please contact:
Javan Gibbon Center
Komplek Taman Rekreasi Lido
Jalan Raya Bogor-Sukabumi KM 21
Cigombong Lido Bogor 16740
Phone/fax: (0251) 224963
e-mail: jgc_owajawa@yahoo.com
Thank you for your support.
Senin, 24 Maret 2008
The program based on recommendations as follow:
Established since 2003, it was the results of collaboration between the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry and Javan Gibbon Foundation. The center supported by Conservation International Indonesia, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, University of Indonesia and Silvery Gibbon Project (SGP). The center placed in extended areas of Bodogol Resort, Gunung Gede Pangrango National park, for the width of 15 hectares at Bodogol Resort, be at the height 600 m above sea level. The center receives donated or confiscated java gibbons, usually from local household. Short-term goal of assessing medical and behavioral status, and restoring them to full health. A longer-term goal is to reintroduce suitable rehabilitated animals or young, captive bred animals into areas where they have been locally extirpated, in accordance with the IUCN Reintroduction Guidelines. The ultimate goal is to re-establish viable, free ranging populations over the species historic range.
The Center focuses on:
JGC operating programs are THE JAVAN GIBBON FOUNDATION (JGF) is a non profit organization. JGC is running out by manager with assisting of technicians and veterinary. Supporting of national and international management committee for the Javan Gibbon Center is composed of the following individuals: Dianne Gates (SGP), Clare Campbell (SGP), Karen Payne (SGP) Dr. Russell Mittermeier (CI), Leif Cocks (International Studbook Keeper), Ir. Adi Susmianto MSc (MoF), Ir. Wahjudi Wardojo, MSc (MoF), Dr. Soenaryo (MoF), Dr.Jatna Supriatna (CI), Dr. Noviar Andayani (UI) and Dr. Sutarman (Ragunan Zoo)
- Primates Specialist Group Action Plan for Asian Primate Conservation (1987-1991)
- Javan Gibbon PHVA Workshop (1994)
- Javan Gibbon Workshop held by CII and CBCS-UI (1997)
- the 18th Congress of the International Primatological Society in Adelaide, Australia (2001)
Established since 2003, it was the results of collaboration between the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry and Javan Gibbon Foundation. The center supported by Conservation International Indonesia, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, University of Indonesia and Silvery Gibbon Project (SGP). The center placed in extended areas of Bodogol Resort, Gunung Gede Pangrango National park, for the width of 15 hectares at Bodogol Resort, be at the height 600 m above sea level. The center receives donated or confiscated java gibbons, usually from local household. Short-term goal of assessing medical and behavioral status, and restoring them to full health. A longer-term goal is to reintroduce suitable rehabilitated animals or young, captive bred animals into areas where they have been locally extirpated, in accordance with the IUCN Reintroduction Guidelines. The ultimate goal is to re-establish viable, free ranging populations over the species historic range.
The Center focuses on:
- Rescue (the delivery of Javan gibbons into the project either through voluntary donations or through government-led confiscations)
- Rehabilitation (the process of restoring optimum health and behavior)
- Captive-breeding (propagation of offspring by genetically healthy individuals)
- Reintroduction (the process of releasing the gibbons into the wild)
- Education and awareness (concerning the uniqueness of the Javan gibbon, its threats and its serious need for conservation)
- Research (non-invasive applied and basic research)
- Animal facilities : treatment cages, temporary exercise cages, outdoor individual cages, transport cages, introduction and socialization enclosures and pair enclosures
- Operational facilities : office and guard station, clinic and quarantine, electricity and water supply
JGC operating programs are THE JAVAN GIBBON FOUNDATION (JGF) is a non profit organization. JGC is running out by manager with assisting of technicians and veterinary. Supporting of national and international management committee for the Javan Gibbon Center is composed of the following individuals: Dianne Gates (SGP), Clare Campbell (SGP), Karen Payne (SGP) Dr. Russell Mittermeier (CI), Leif Cocks (International Studbook Keeper), Ir. Adi Susmianto MSc (MoF), Ir. Wahjudi Wardojo, MSc (MoF), Dr. Soenaryo (MoF), Dr.Jatna Supriatna (CI), Dr. Noviar Andayani (UI) and Dr. Sutarman (Ragunan Zoo)

Javan Silvery Gibbon an endemic species only found in Java (west and some of east Java). Their natural habitat is fragmented and only 2% historic range of natural remaining habitat. The Javan Silvery Gibbon is monogamous primate and territorial animal. They are living in family group with 2-6 individuals. They are as a seed dispersal with >50% diet are fruits (frugivorus animlas). Usually calling in the morning and great call by female. The Javan Silvery Gibbon as an arboreal with locomotion by brachiation,they are live at lowland forest until sub mountain forest at altitudes of 500 – 1,500 m above sea level. In Java they are found in national parks (Ujung Kulon , Halimun-Salak , Gunung Gede Pangrango), nature reserve (Gunung Simpang, Papandayan, Tangkuban Perahu, Burangrang and Tilu.), protected forest (gunung slamet, dieng) with population estimated 200 – 4,000 individuals.
Conservation status of Javan Silvery Gibbon (Hylobates moloch)
- IUCN Red List Data Book
- Critically Endangered (IUCN, 2004)
- Endangered species (IUCN, 2006)
- CITES Appendix I
- UU No. 5, 1990
- SK. Menhut No. 301/Kpts-II/1991
- SK. Menhut No. 882/Kpts-II/1992
- PP. No. 7, 1999
Threats of Javan Silvery Gibbon (Hylobates moloch)
- Habitat loss (habitat degradation and fragmentation)
- Poaching to capture of young animals for the pet trade
- Field research for assessing current distribution and population status of Javan Silvery Gibbon
- Long term monitoring of the remaining populations
- Protection of the remaining habitat
- Conservation education
- Public awareness
- Captive breeding program
- Rescue and rehabilitation program
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