Javan Silvery Gibbon an endemic species only found in Java (west and some of east Java). Their natural habitat is fragmented and only 2% historic range of natural remaining habitat. The Javan Silvery Gibbon is monogamous primate and territorial animal. They are living in family group with 2-6 individuals. They are as a seed dispersal with >50% diet are fruits (frugivorus animlas). Usually calling in the morning and great call by female. The Javan Silvery Gibbon as an arboreal with locomotion by brachiation,they are live at lowland forest until sub mountain forest at altitudes of 500 – 1,500 m above sea level. In Java they are found in national parks (Ujung Kulon , Halimun-Salak , Gunung Gede Pangrango), nature reserve (Gunung Simpang, Papandayan, Tangkuban Perahu, Burangrang and Tilu.), protected forest (gunung slamet, dieng) with population estimated 200 – 4,000 individuals.
Conservation status of Javan Silvery Gibbon (Hylobates moloch)
- IUCN Red List Data Book
- Critically Endangered (IUCN, 2004)
- Endangered species (IUCN, 2006)
- CITES Appendix I
- UU No. 5, 1990
- SK. Menhut No. 301/Kpts-II/1991
- SK. Menhut No. 882/Kpts-II/1992
- PP. No. 7, 1999
Threats of Javan Silvery Gibbon (Hylobates moloch)
- Habitat loss (habitat degradation and fragmentation)
- Poaching to capture of young animals for the pet trade
- Field research for assessing current distribution and population status of Javan Silvery Gibbon
- Long term monitoring of the remaining populations
- Protection of the remaining habitat
- Conservation education
- Public awareness
- Captive breeding program
- Rescue and rehabilitation program